We are proud to say that our own Diana Catrinoi-Cornea was one of the 30 recipients in The Pro Landscaper 30 Under 30 Awards 2021 - our industry's opportunity to celebrate up-and-coming young talent.

Diana on stage accepting her Pro Landscape 30 Under 30 award at the FutureScape ceremony.
Diana accepting her award at the FutureScape ceremony.

About Diana

Diana joined London Stone over five years ago and quickly proved herself as an invaluable member of the team. She's responsible for our website development and maintenance. She also ensures that the user experience is consistently being improved. This involves keeping product information up to date, optimising SEO, working on developments, fixing bugs and the general upkeep of the site.

Launching new products is also another key role of Diana’s. When new products are launched, Diana will add these to the website and help communicate the new options to our customers and staff alike. Another dimension of her role is Corporate Social Responsibility, liaising with organisations to ensure London Stone’s business model is beneficial to all.

Marketing Manager

On top of all this, and much more, Diana is also responsible for managing the Marketing Department. Overseeing members of staff, ensuring their workload is manageable and that their day-to-day roles run smoothly. You can see why Diana was a winner of this special award. Diana said that she was “honoured to have been considered for such an award”, and, “flattered to have won”.

Diana and husband both 30 Under 30 award winners from London Stone.
Diana, pictured with our Operations Director, and her husband, Marius, a previous 30 Under 30 winner.

Marketing in the landscaping industry

Marketing is an extremely important element of the business. Connecting with customers and getting our brand message across is a critical part of the business. Diana’s role enables us to communicate with our customers in an engaging manner. Responding directly to their needs and consistently improving our level of service.

Speaking about Diana, managing director Steve Walley, said "Diana has elevated herself to a position of authority within London Stone. She has played an integral role in the ongoing growth and development of our brand. A highly competent person, with an incredible focus and work ethic who sets no limit to her ambitions."

Diana has big plans for London Stone’s marketing over the coming years. You should expect to see even more improvements to the way in which you access and interact with the business.

Pro Landscaper 30 Under 30 class of 2021 award winners pictured together on stage.
30 Under 30 'Class of 2021'

Many congratulations to Diana for this achievement, and thank you for everything you have done to raise the standards of the marketing team. And the business!

Post updated: June 2024