Daniel Pither, our Call Centre Manager, regularly gets praise from customers for the lengths he goes to to help. We caught up with him to ask some searching questions...

What’s one professional skill you’re currently working on?
I would still consider myself as being new to my role as the Call Centre Manager and I would say that this would be one of the things that I am always looking to continuously improve on professionally.
What behaviour or personality trait do you most attribute your success to, and why?
I would say that one of my strongest attributes, not just in my managerial role or previously as a sales advisor but from my previous jobs too, would be how methodical I am. Making sure that anything that I am working on has all the correct details and information from the start to finish avoids any issues occurring and ensures that everything is covered.
Have you been pleasantly surprised by anything lately?
The form that Chelsea are in at the moment! Still going strong in the Champions League and currently top of the Premier League.
What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?
Hopefully in the coming year, my fingers crossed, I would like to start a family with my wife as we are settled into our new home after moving into our first house this year.

What is your dream holiday?
My dream holiday would be one that I was lucky enough to take back when I was younger, and that was a road trip around Canada with some friends during the early part of the year. Driving from Vancouver all the way to Calgary, we saw lots of beautiful, snow-covered landscapes and it was an amazing sight to behold.
If you could only eat one item for every meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
One item I think I could happily eat for every meal would be poppadums and the sides that go with. I always think that whenever I have a curry at home or in a restaurant that I could quite happily just order poppadums and a big dish of mango chutney.
Thank you to Daniel. Check back again to see the next in our line of interviews.