Get to know our staff better! Jennie Palmer, one of our Landscape Consultants, reveals the perks - or is that pecks...? - of an unusual first job.

What’s your go-to productivity trick?
I just find being well organised allows me to be as reactive as possible to emails, calls, WhatsApp messages and I get far more done during the day. Every day is different in this job, but you do have to work around certain appointments and visits that are in the diary. Organisation is the key to being productive!
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Early bird! I’m definitely not my best when I’m tired and hungry… put the 2 together and it’s a disaster.
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had, and what did you learn from it?
When I was 14, I started work at a large local battery hen farm. It was cash-in-hand (not sure we were supposed to be there, really, at that age) and all my friends worked there at the weekends. It wasn’t ‘the worst’ job in that I hated it, it was just unpleasant with the smell and heat during the summer, and you did get quite dirty with all the different jobs you needed to do during the day. I worked there for 2 years at weekends and school holidays; I even worked Christmas Day and Boxing Day with triple pay! It was physical, hard work but at the end of every shift the best feeling was being given your little brown envelope with your £30 in it, knowing you’d worked hard that day to earn the money - and free eggs, of course. So, you work hard in life, and you get the rewards!
What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?
There isn’t one thing. In general, I guess it’s just finishing every week knowing I’ve done my best and kept all my customers happy! I’ve never gained any qualifications as such for working in this industry; I’ve just graduated from the school of common sense, and having 20 years of experience goes a long way.
What’s the biggest misconception people have about your position?
That we spend all day driving around various places, having tea and biscuits?

What was your first job?
The egg farm at 14. Then my first full-time employed job was after my A-levels, from college at 18, where I started working for CED Stone Group and worked there for 20 years. My work career is quite boring; I’ve not had many jobs!
What’s your favourite family tradition?
For me as a kid it was always my nan's Sunday roast dinners; everything was home grown on her allotment - the taste was amazing. Her Boxing Day buffets were also legendary. With my kids it’s just fun life experiences, helping give them memories for when they get old (like Mum at a water park in Tenerife, screaming with fear for her life on every single ride). They still talk about it 2 years later.
What was the first thing you bought with your own money?
Probably some sweets from the local shop, but the first big purchase was my first brand-new car, my Ford Fiesta Zetec Sport when I was 19. It was silver, and her name was Sylvie. I loved that car and I’m still a girl racer at heart.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard?
I couldn’t really tell you one piece of advice in particular; I’ve just learnt in life from watching my parents and grandparents work hard and having healthy and happy lives. If you surround yourself with good people, then you walk a good path in life.
How would you spend one million pounds?
I’d have a massive party for all my friends and family, then I’d buy a plot of land in the country, build a big house, and move all my family in together. I don’t think a million pounds buys much these days - maybe half a tank of petrol?
What trend do you hope makes a comeback?
80’s Shell suits, I just want to see Jamie Norris wearing one.
Thank you to Jennie. Check back again to see the next in our line of interviews.