Calculating Our Carbon Footprint

The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a comprehensive measure that calculates the kg of carbon generated by the manufacture, installation, maintenance and disposal/recycle (cradle to grave) of a m² or alternative declared unit of measure of our materials.

The Life Cycle Assessment includes:

Stage 1: Raw Material

Sourcing, extraction, & transport of raw materials to factory

Stage 2: Manufacture

Processing & packing

Stage 3: Transport

Shipping & freight from factory gate to distribution centres in UK

Delivery to customers

Stage 4: In-Use

Installation, cleaning & maintenance

Stage 5: End of product

Removal & recycling or disposal at product life end

Learn more about the kg of CO2 from our ranges of paving, decking and cladding.

Porcelain Paving & DesignClad Cladding
Indian Riven Sandstone & Limestone
Indian Sawn Sandstone
British & European Stone
Composite Decking

Business Carbon Assessment

The Business Carbon Footprint assessment measures all emissions generated by our direct business activities (Scope 1), those generated in the production of the electricity we consume (Scope 2) and those generated in our supply chain by the manufacture of the products we sell (Scope 3).

The Business Carbon Footprint metrics:

Scope 1

Energy & fuel consumption

Owned transport

Scope 2

Purchased electricity for own use

Scope 3

Running & maintenance of offices, warehouses, & production facilities

Waste processing

Employee travel & accommodation

Transportation & freight (includes sea freight)

The Business Carbon Footprint metrics do not represent a static value but a statement of our current performance to be challenged and reduced over time by our own efforts and with the support and cooperation of all stake holders in our supply chains.