Pier caps are a natural companion to coping stones, used where walls are terminated or punctuated with pillars. Alongside coping stones, they have the practical purpose of protecting the stonework and pointing in the wall beneath by preventing water ingress. For this reason, all our pier caps come with drip lines to divert water run-off away from the actual pillar. However, they are much more than a purely practical addition. Pillar caps add grace and elegance to a driveway entrance. Their finishing touch is like the full-stop in a sentence—rounding off the whole and creating completeness. Used to dress pillars that intersperse walls and fences, they add weight to the rhythm of their spacing. Our stone pillar caps are manufactured in-house by our skilled stonemasons on state-of-the-art CNC machinery, guaranteeing a crisply sculpted finish. The most popular choices are flat, with a pencil round edge profile and drip, which is particularly suited to modern designs, and 4 x weathered with a period edge profile, a natural choice for older properties. However, as always, if you have a different requirement—2 x weathered, for example—we are ready to help.


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All Stone Pier Caps

An elegant companion to coping stones, made in-house with a choice of edge profiles

From £115.50 + VAT Ea

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